
Acquolina & Henri Matisse

Chef's anatomy

Heinz Beck
Chef del ristorante
La pergola - Hotel Cavalieri Hilton

"a qualcuno piace frullato"
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Oysters with celery jelly candied apples and Gorgonzola cheese

Fabio Baldassarre Italian recipe
restaurant  L’Altro Mastai


Oysters are unsatisfying food for the worker, but they are perfect food for sedentary people, like supper before a good sleep.
A.J. Bellows, The Philosophy of Eating, 1870


Open twelve oysters, extract fruits and put them on absorbent paper.
Extract from golden apples twenty-four marbles and cook with icing sugar until the flesh appears cooked and shining. Let them cool. 
Soften the gelatine in cold water, dissolve the mixture diluted in the celery centrifuge warmed up and cool with ice, blending. 
Put on each plate (left in refrigerator for half an hour) three oysters, two pieces of apple and cover with the celery gelatine. 
Complete the dish by dusting with gorgonzola flakes. 

Ingredients for 4 people

12 oysters; 300 ml of celery centrifuge; 50 gr of 18 months seasoned Italian Gorgonzola cheese; 2 golden apples; 3 sheets of isinglass

[coupling proposed by Roma gourmet]

Taittinger Comites de Champagne 1998

Strong and sophisticated, juicy and dense with notes of sumptuous complexity and long final.