Italian recipes - appetizer

Pilgrim scallops with bacon and leeks sauce

Chef Agata Parisella Italian recipe - restaurant Agata e Romeo – Rome

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Italian recipes - pasta

Home made Pappardelle pasta with crustaceans pork tripe, Pecorino cheese and mintmenta

Chef Angelo Troiani Italian recipe - restaurant Il Convivio Troiani – Rome

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Italian recipes - appetizer

Eel in the rabbit and rabbit in the eel whit cress mayonnaise, hot orange gelatine and Sabina olive oil crunchy nougat

Chef Sandro e Maurizio Serva Italian recipe - restaurant La trota – Rivodutri (RI) Lazio - Italy

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Italian recipes - appetizer

Tomato and Watermelon Gazpacho with lobster and lemon cream

Gualtiero Marchesi Italian recipe - restaurant Hostaria dell’Orso - Roma

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Italian recipes - vegetarian

Variation of tomato:
Tomato mousse with “ciliegino”

Italian recipe Chef Agata Parisella restaurant Agata e Romeo – Rome

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Italian recipes - meat

Shank of roasted lamb           
with artichokes “alla giudia” and sweet garlicon sauce

Chef Davide Ciantetti and Catia Sulpizi Easter Italian recipe for restaurant Iolanda – Rome

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Italian recipes - meat

Garofalato with cicoria and fava beans cream

Chef Elio Mariani Italian recipe - restaurant Checchino 1887 – Rome

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Italian recipes - soup

Vegetable Soup “Vignarola” with Corallina Italian salami scampi lemon grass and “Cacione” bread

Chef Angelo Troiani Easter Italian recipe - restaurant Il Convivio Troiani Roma

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Italian recipes - pasta

Flat spaghetti of Setaro with artichokes and young squids

Chef Massimo Riccioli Italian recipe - delicatessen RosticceRì – Rome

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Italian recipes - pasta

Rigatoni pasta with Grouper, aubergines and salted Ricotta cheese

Chef Massimo Riccioli Italian recipe - restaurant La Rosetta – Rome

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