Gourmet Grand Tour in Rome

Roma gourmet is pleased to present you a tasty Grand Tour Gourmet in Rome: Roman holiday with the appetizing theme of pairing Italian Haute Cuisine and Culture.
An invite to visit the Eternal City by tasting the best restaurants in Rome and sampling specially prepared dishes exclusively paired by chefs with the programmes of two famous Roman theatres located in the hart of the city:
- the Quirino theatre, near Fontana di Trevi
- the Valle theatre, near Pantheon
following the calendar of the Assaggi di Teatro festival conceived by the food and wine journalist Maria Luisa Basile and set up by Roma Gourmet Guide, ETI (Italian Theatre Office) and the Rome City Council Cultural Office from October 2008 to May 2009.

24 plays exclusively interpreted by great chefs in the kitchens of their welcoming restaurants:

Agata Parisella at Agata e Romeo restaurant
Alfonso Iaccarino at Baby Aldrovandi restaurant
Massimo Riccioli at the fish restaurant La Rosetta
Angelo Troiani at Convivio Troiani restaurant
Giulio Terrinoni at the fish restaurant Acquolina

You can create your own itinerary based on the restaurant and dishes you want to taste or the show you’d like to see.
Over the holiday (during the week or for a weekend only) you can have lunch or dinner in one of the 5 restaurants, depending on availability and opening hours, and see the show at the Quirino Theatre or the Valle Theatre - matinée or evening - which have been inspiring the chef.

Prices start at 280 euro per person for a package including:
- welcome aperitif (a glass of Italian wine) in a wine-bar in central via Frattina near Piazza di Spagna where you can benefit from a special 10% discount on all gourmet Italian food purchases
- theatre entrance
- a drink at the theatre
- lunch or dinner at the paired restaurant
- a Roman Chef’s recipe, to repeat the pleasurable experience at home
- the Guide “Roma Gourmet”
- 2 nights in elegant B&B or Hotel
Prices vary according to the choice of restaurant and accommodation.

For information and booking, please write to info@roma-gourmet.com

19 - 31 may 2009 chef Massimo Riccioli - La Rosetta restaurant and La rosa tatuata Quirino Theatre
5 - 17 may 2009 chef Agata Parisella - Agata e Romeo restaurant and Marlene Quirino Theatre
15 april 2009 - 3 may 2009 chef Alfonso Iaccarino - Baby Aldrovandi and I ponti di Madison County Quirino Theatre
16 - 26 april 2009 chef Massimo Riccioli - La Rosetta restaurant and Le invisibili Valle Theatre
31 march - 9 april 2009 chef Angelo Troiani - Il Convivio Troiani restaurant and La badante Valle Theatre
24 march - 9 april 2009 chef Angelo Troiani - Il Convivio Troiani restaurant and Ditegli sempre di si Quirino Theatre
3 - 15 march 2009 chef Agata Parisella - Agata e Romeo restaurant and Casa di bambola Valle Theatre
25 february - 1 march 2009 chef Alfonso Iaccarino - Baby Aldrovandi and Sogno di una notte di mezza estate - Il mercante di Venezia Valle Theatre
4 - 22 march 2009 chef Alfonso Iaccarino - Baby Aldrovandi and  Masaniello Musical Quirino Theatre
10 - 22 february chef Giulio Terrinoni - Acquolina restaurant and La caccia Valle Theatre



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In the foreground: Goethe House


Rome restaurant guides

2008 Guides best Rome restaurants

For international Guides Michelin, L’espresso and Gambero rosso top Rome restaurants are:

La Pergola Hotel Cavalieri Hilton
Il Pagliaccio
Open Colonna

Baby Aldrovandi

Il Convivio Troiani

Agata e Romeo

Il Sanlorenzo

La Rosetta
Glass hostaria

For most famous restaurants Guides, Rome is a place where cuisine is very good … read more


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