Mattatoio o ammazzatora [ Slaughter-house ]
In Testaccio district risen the Slaughter-house. Today it is closed and the imposing structure is the seat of the Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea. Around the Slaughter-house in the 800 many restaurants were born. They were specialized in dishes prepared with the Fifth fourth of calf. Still today in Testaccio there are many restaurants that offer a traditional Roman cuisine, such as Checchino from 1887.
Monte dei cocci
The Mount is formed from pieces of Roman wine amphora’s stacked. The practice began in 55 b.C. with an imperial decree, to encourage the “digestion” of the amphoras that resulted subject of deterioration and cold not be re-used. Since the earthenware maintains a costing temperature (around 10°) and guarantees the ventilation preserving the dry place, in the Mount were dug 48 caves, destined to fresh cellar for oil, wine and food.