Italian recipes - appetizer

Pilgrim scallops with bacon and leeks sauce

Chef Agata Parisella Italian recipe - restaurant Agata e Romeo – Rome

Why Pilgrim scallop is named “St James shall”? Because St James employed it to contain the water to use for pilgrim blessing.

Extract from shells (washed and opened by a knife) the molluscs. Tire to low fire the white part of leeks cutted into dices and minced shallot with oil.  Let cool, make a purea and salt. Cut the green part of links and put them in water and ice to make them crisp. Dry and fry in plentiful warm oil to obtain crisp threads. Wrap every slice of bacon around each scallop and cook in a pan oil greased. Put in every dish two scallops surmounted by shrubs of fried leeks and surround with leeks sauce.  Decorate with parsley leafs.

Ingredients for 4 people
16 Pilgrim scallops; 16 slices of dry bacon; 2 leeks; 1 scalogno; Extra Virgin Olive Oil; salt; parsley

[coupling by Sommelier Alessio Paparo]

Fiano d’Avellino Colli di Lapio 2005
Cielia Romano
Yellow straw-colored, fresh and floral with yielded notes of apple, citrus and white melon, elegant and soft.

Scallop in…
Scallop, Frill, Clam, Queen, Fan Shell
Coquille, Saint-Jacques, Manteau, Peigne de Saint Jacques, Kroken de Saint-Jacques, Kroguen Saint-Jacquez, Pélerino-Pèlérine, Grande Pélerine, Pigna, Vanne, Grande Vanne, Grande Palour, Dorin, Ricardeau, Berenne, Grosille
Rufina, Xel, Capa santa, Pelegrina, Beira, Vieira, Avineira

Conchiglia dei pellegrini, Conchiglia di San Jacopo, Ventaglio
Liguria: Pellegriné
Veneto: Capa-santa, Santarela, Pelegrina
Friuli Venezia Giulia: Cappa santa, Capète, Pellegrina di San Giacomo, Santarela
Toscana e Abruzzo: Pellegrina
Marche: Cappa pellegrina
Campania: Pellerina, Pellegrina, Cocciola pellerina, Cozza di San Giacomo, Cozza di San Iacovo
Puglia: Canestriello, Pelegrine, Cozza pellegrino, Cozza San Giàcheme, Cozza gignàcula
Sicilia: Cocciula pellegrina, Pellegrinu, Pettini
Sardegna: Cocciula pilligrina, Cocciula de pellegrinu, Cozzula de pellegrinu



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