Japanese cuisine - rice for sushi - sushi meshi



300 gr japanese rice;
330 ml water;
For vinegar mix:
4 spoons rice vinegar;
2 spoons sugar;
1/2 sugar spoons salt

Preparation time

1 hour and 30 minuts

Miyaoto Musashi says that which can not be known is ku, emptiness. This emptiness is not a mathematical void; it does not mean nonexistence, that something does not exist. Neither is it something unknowable, in the sense of ‘inexperienceable’. Emptiness is meant to describe something that is devoid of an independent reality. This something is in the nature of the relationship, that is, a process, a flow, in which all things are in a continual state of change.
Miyamoto Musashi

At sushi bar

Omakase is a Japanese word that literally means “entrusting”. In Japanese restaurants the word means “putting your trust in the chef,” eating whatever the chef feels like cooking for you, and usually, paying whatever price the chef feels like charging.
Okonomi means “what you like” or “what you want”, so you choose your menu.

Rice for sushi is sushi meshi. Japanese food has developed over millenia in relative isolation (the sole major influence being China) and with rather strict dietary restrictions born from both poverty and religion.

Cook rice correct firmness so that it shines.
Wash rice one hour prior to cooking add correct amount of water and pieces of dried kelp in rice cooker.
Remove kelp right before cooking, add sake or mirin, correct water level.
Let set with cover on for ten minutes before placing rice into sushi mixing bowl (hangiri).
Sprinkle vingar mix evenly over rice, with wooden spoon  (kijakushi) cut into rice thouroghly to mix. Let rice set for five minutes covered with a damp cheese cloth.
Fan to cool it down.

Vinegar mix for sushi meshi

Vinegar mix should be prepared prior to cooking, so that taste is well mixed.
Be sure to mix vinegar with hot cooked rice, vinegar doesn’t mix with cold rice well.
Change the mixing ratio subtly in the vinegar mix to suit the toppings and fillings.
Ratio for different styles of vinegar mix (rice=1 litre):

vinegar 120 - 150 cc    
sugar       0 - 30 g
salt        12g
vinegar 120 - 150 cc    
sugar     50 g
salt     12 - 15 g


japanese fan uchiwa; wood spoon shamoji; hangiri
Hangiri: a shallow flat bottomed basin made of cedar wood. Also called Handai. It is used to cool down sushimeshi when mixing rice with vinegar. Sushimeshi will shines when it is cooled down in a short time.






















































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