Theatre & Cuisine
Assaggi di Teatro
Italian Art and Food

Discover delicious connections between international Theatre masterpieces and Italian Cuisine …read more

gourmet stories

The Pot of basil of Isabella

legends of basil

The basil has been imported in Europe by Alessandro Magno around the IV century b.C., coming back from Asia. In Indian country the plant was called tulsi. With basilicum in Europe arrived the legend of a girl named Vrinda and then Isabella that inspired the fantasy of Boccaccio in the Decameron, Keats and Pre Raphaelites artists


Agata e Romeo

Gaugin in the dish

Agata Parisella transfers the passion for art and bright colors in her dishes rich of flavour. Orange lobsters on bed of papaya, pink scallops and amber-colored spaghetti with Cacio cheese and pepper, remember the jungles of Rousseau and the Caribbeans of Gaugin. To taste not only with the eyes …read more

Calabria versus Rome


Red hot chilli pepper

Three brothers with the passion for the gastronomic traditions of Calabria land, offer in the heart of Rome a cuisine rich of taste, realized with exellent products. Struncatra pasta, ‘nduja and Capocollo salami, mozzarella cheese of bufala, stuffed vegetables, cod, chilli pepper …read more

Italian food


Tomato Chef’s Italian recipes

Top Rome Chefs choose tomato, called xitomatl by Aztecs, to realize tasting recipes: Alfonso Iaccarino combines it with Scorpion fish Cacio cheese and pepper in paccheri pasta, Massimo Riccioli exalt tomato in the rigatoni with Groupier and aubergine, Gualtiero Marchesi links it with watermelon in the gazpacho and Agata Parisella offer a variation

discovering Rome

Rome Museums

The other face of art

A nice way to discover Rome consist in visiting the Museums Collections: the house that gave hospitality to Goethe during his roman residence, strange instruments at National Museum of Musical Instruments, Achille Pinelli’s  watercolours of Rome at Palazzo Braschi, the Museum of Oriental Art in the majestic Palazzo Brancaccio…



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Caravaggio’s artichokes

Gourmet travel
between life and works of


Italy gourmet

All Italian best restaurants (Michelin stars)


Elective affinities

Hang Zhou and Claude Monet


Chef’s anatomy

interview to
Massimo Riccioli
- l’élégance du hérisson


Wine corner

The word of wine and its protagonists


Gourmet books

Maria Grazia Accorsi, Personaggi letterari a tavola e in cucina.
Dal giovane Werther a Sal Paradiso


Rome museums

In the foreground: Goethe House


Rome restaurant guides

2008 Guides best Rome restaurants

For international Guides Michelin, L’espresso and Gambero rosso top Rome restaurants are:

La Pergola Hotel Cavalieri Hilton
Il Pagliaccio
Open Colonna

Baby Aldrovandi

Il Convivio Troiani

Agata e Romeo

Il Sanlorenzo

La Rosetta
Glass hostaria

For most famous restaurants Guides, Rome is a place where cuisine is very good … read more


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